Americanized Christian Dichotomies

We donate money to missions, but won’t sacrifice time.
We pray for opportunities to witness, but never prepare an answer for our faith.
We support our artists, but settle for sub-par talent.
We cater to our kids, but forget our elderly.
We celebrate our Christian Culture, but rarely question it.
We organize social groups, but increase segregation.
We spread the gospel globally, but diminish our witness locally.
We motivate politics, but exasperate the nation.
We mock the Green Movement, but discard God’s creation.
We smile at Pro-Life banners, but never meet a rape victim.
We condemn sexual sins, but allow obese gluttony.
We fret over the End Times, but don’t study Revelations.
We attend Bible Studies regularly, but prepare simplistic answers.
We prefer topical sermons, but remove context from our Scriptures.
We encourage each other, but are never real.
We grow our outreach, but use secular strategies.
We add comfort to our services, but remove all conviction.
We preach inspiration, but not transformation.
We increase church attendance, but decrease salvation.

(I’m really not feeling pessimistic today, but sometimes an honest reflection, however humbling, is necessary.)

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are nothing like your Christ.
