Notable articles that I’ve written for various publications. Questions regarding any of these pieces? Contact me.
Fiction, Essays & Creative Nonfiction
Marriage & Parenting
Book Reviews
News Articles, Features, Trade Magazines
I wrote “Millennial Mysteries” from 2014-2017, a business column that ran in Country Folks Grower and Wine & Craft Beverage News, two nationally-distributed magazines targeting the agriculture, horticulture and craft beverage industries. Click on each title to read the column.
A new column for generational concerns
Should you market to Millennials?
How to target Millennial customers
How to attract young professionals to your business
Employee rewards programs rarely work
Clues to help solve your business’ generation gaps
Basic tips for running a Facebook business brand
Mentoring as marketing
The envy generation
Is your business meeting needs?
Shifting expectations of a ‘standard workplace’
Advertising with the internet
Was that really a ‘young people’ problem?
When your employee doesn’t work
A sense of possibility
Traditional vs. modern: it’s not either/or
Work martyrdom high among young people
Quality images improve social media marketing
Myth: Young people only buy from other young people
Using Pinterest to spread your brand
When desperation motivates ambition
Reaching Millennials takes more than good intentions
What type of Millennial is your target audience?
Millennials as managers
Believing the wrong assumptions
Convenience is key
Transparency through social media
Can small businesses offer career tracks to their Millennial employees?