Category Marriage


We had a fight. Like most fights, it ended about something different than what it began with. Like most fights, I couldn’t tell you what it was about even if I did want to broadcast it to the world. It…


The wife of a reporter learns to adapt in many ways. She gets accustomed to him working weekends. She pleasantly pauses their movie when his phone rings. She never expects him home on time. She accepts that her reputation is…


Today is our second anniversary. Now that I am a wise, old married woman with some years under her belt, I decided to compose a list of all the things I’d tell myself if I could go back to the…

Traditions & Memories

On a bleak December day 70 years ago, my grandfather jumped from a ruined B-17, a cold Minnesota farm boy tumbling from the sky into occupied Greece. That image is hard for me to picture because I remember him stooped,…

John’s Kayak

The first time I learned that my husband built boats, I hadn’t yet met him. I was in high school and had just finished reading a fantastic novel. In my curiosity to learn more about the author — I was…


Last night, my husband posed a loaded question. We were discussing anniversary plans (still a little early) and were in shock that we were preparing for year #2 already. “Be honest,” he said. “Back when we were getting married…did you…

Blonde girl

It is considered derogatory and sexist to refer to people’s moments of stupidity as “blonde moments” or stereotype them as “girl mistakes.” These terms have never really bothered me, perhaps because I know that, truthfully, I could easily fill a…